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Supervisors : Julien DUPONT, Giulia SOLA


As part of a project with the "Voyage à Nantes" we worked on a redesign of the artwork signage along the "ligne verte". 
We started working around the emblematic green color of the "Voyage à Nantes" and developed several concepts around.
In order to stick as much as possible with the offbeat and wacky image of the event we have chosen to twist the new signage concept with a storytelling around the new in permanent installation "The Heron Tree" which should come out of the ground soon.
The storytelling is about a giant heron flying over Nantes and dropping off small "souvenir" behind him. Those appears in the city in the forms of green shapes that are fitting urban surfaces.

As for the panel; we have chosen to take inspiration of a museum cartel as well as offering a larger linguistic accessibility. Therefore, we have chosen to propose each cartel in two languages: in French and in the language of the artist who created the art that the panel presents.
In order for other nationalities to also have access to the informations a QR code available on the cartel and gives access to a web page with other languages, including a translation into LSF (French Sign Language).

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